Education & Training

Do you offer training sessions or resources for users to learn how to use the tool effectively?

We offer personal onboarding with all team members that will be using the tool. We offer ongoing onboarding meaning that if new team members need access to the tool, we will give this session when requested.

What kind of training materials or documentation do you provide?

The onboarding is done via video call so that there is the opportunity to have questions answered. We can also offer a screen recorded onboarding if requested. Users have access to news and support as well through the backend of the Review Plattform.

Is there a structured onboarding process for new users?

If a new user is added to the tool, we will reach out giving the login credentials, in this mail we provide onboarding information and offer an onboarding call. However, onboarding calls can be requested by the client at any time.

Can you tailor training sessions to our company's specific needs?

Yes, one of the reasons we offer a personal onboarding is to ensure that the focus is on what the client or particular team member needs to know the most.

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