Maintenance & Upgrades

How frequently do you update or upgrade the software?

On average we have 4-6 releases per year. We release new versions of the software when we finish maintenance topics or release new features. The update frequency also depends on client-specific requests that might occur during a partnership.

What is the process for implementing updates or new features?

The process depends on what the update entails. Prior and after release, we are contacting our clients to keep them informed. If we undertake a release which has implications for client use in the tool your account team will get in touch to get you up to speed. If it is a feature that has been requested by a client, they are informed/involved at every step of the way. We further update assigned users if needed via mail as well as via our news section located in client user interface of the Review Platform (backend). Releases never done wiithout alignment with the client and are scheduled and conducted with as little possible impact on users and website visitors.

Are there additional costs associated with updates or upgrades?

Included for all clients at no extra cost are ongoing maintenance topics and general experience/performance upgrades we undertake. For tailored features that are not already present, there are additional costs involved which will be scoped upon request.

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